
Sera Monastery is famous for its Buddhism Scriptures Debating

The three Gelug monasteries of Sera, Drepung and Ganden were known jointly as the "Pillars China travel service of the State". As such there was normally governmental competition between them. This can even be seen in the labeling of this monastery. Sera, significance "merciful hail" is a task to Drepung monastery, whose name indicates "rice heap" in the feeling that come loss grain. This edgy monastery, some of whose priests were popular for their soldiery last pushed energy in 1947. In the course of this unsuccessful hen house, they even created an effort on the then Regent's lifestyle.
Founded in 1419, at its size, Sera monastery Tibet Travel was property to more than 5,000 priests and five monastic universities. Although much less effective now, with only several number of priests currently in property, one of the most exciting periods to check out the monastery is in manufactured when priests, after completing their morning hours bible sessions, can be seen discussing in the courtyard.
The monastery is created up of a tsokchen (Great Hall), three tratsangs (colleges that provide specialized studies) and 30 khangtsens (residential substances with chapels arranged for priests arriving from different places of Tibet). More China Travel service From Chinatour.com :Beijing travel guide
The tsokchen is Sera's biggest developing and the management middle of the monastery. Designed in 1710, the main set up area homes a statue of Sakya Yeshe, the creator of Sera, in the middle of statues of the Fifth and 13th Dalai Lamas . To the back of the main set up area are four surfaces, each loaded with chapels devoted to various gods as well as the monks' places.
Sera Me Tratsang, integrated 1419 by Sakya Yeshe, focuses primarily on educating beginners the essential precepts of Buddhism. Its set up area is popular for a birdwatcher statue of Sakyamuni (Historical Buddha) as well as for paintings embellishing the several chapels. Ngagpa Tratsang was also integrated 1419 by Sakya Yeshe and is the monastery's Tantric higher education. Sera Je Tratsang is the monastery's biggest higher education and was accountable for the training of itinerant priests from outside the area. The popular luxury China tour packages discussing courtyard is situated with this tratsang.

