
History OF Norbulingka Park

Norbulingka is considered as 'Summer Palace' in Lhasa. Norbulingka, importance 'treasured park' in Tibetan, is in the european suv place of Lhasa City, at the lending company of Kyichu Flow and about 1 range to the the european of Potala Framework. On every Objective 18th of Tibetan routine, Dalai Lama move here to spent his summer year a few several weeks, so that it is summer year a few several weeks year structure. During summer year a few several weeks year and drop a few several weeks, the Norbulingka becomes hub of enjoyment China tour agents with dance , executing, music and festivities.
Before 1740s, the site of Norbelingka is an alone place where weeds improved and wild animals lived. The history of the Norbulingka can be monitored back to the 7th Dalai Lama who used a spring here to cure his health. So government of Qing Tibet Tours Kingdom determined to make a pavilion for him. In 1751, the 7th Dalai Lama offered your order to make a three-storied structure known as Kelsang Place after his name Kelsang Gyatso. Then the sequence Dalai lamas also moved here for their analysis and as a summer year a few several weeks resort.
The 8th Dalai Lama improved the Norbulingka on its former system and the discuss was digged into a lake. According to the architectural design from the nationwide locations of China providers, the Beast Expert temple and structure were developed in the center of the stream, which were connected with other locations by stone weblink. In 1922, Amazing Phodron and a number of components were developed in the the european during 13th Dalai Lama's times and plenty of flowers and vegetation were placed around. In 1954, the Takten Migyur Phodrong was developed by 14th Dalai Lama and is the most fashionable structure in the Norbulingka.More China Travel service :Guide travel to Beijing
Norbulingka requires an place of approximately 36 hectares and is China travel service considered to be the greatest man-made garden in Tibet. A two-storied pavilion suffering from european is the first recognize seen by guests after arriving into the garden, which is where to perform Tibetan Opera for Dalai Lama. The top part position is the level of Tibetan Opera and the second story is for watching the performance. During the Shoton Occasion, the Tibetan Opera is performed here. In the north european position lie the Tsokyil Phodrong and Chensil Phodrong. On the european part seems to be the Amazing Phodron and other components involve the huge red gateways to the dwelling. In the north position, you can see delicate artwork which tell the history of Tibet.

