
Potala Palace is a popular destination of China tour

The Potala Structure is a spectacular developing located on the top of Marpo Ri Mountain China travel service (also known as Red Hill) in the middle of Lhasa town, well known as the icon of Lhasa and the icon of Tibet. 3,700 metres above sea level It is not only a work of art of Tibetan structure, but also a treasure-house of the best Tibetan creative performs and valuable artifacts.
During its record of over 1,300 years, the Potala Structure has become home to an variety of traditional artifacts. It was initially designed to respect the wedding of the 33rd Master of Tibet, Songtsen Gampo to Queen Wencheng of the Tang Empire (618B.C. - 907B.C.). Later, the historical palace was almost damaged in conflicts with the failure of the Songtsen Gampo Empire, What we see nowadays is the structure in the Qing Empire (1644B.C. - 1911B.C.). After being renewed in Seventeenth millennium, Potala Structure provided as Dalai Lamas' property during the cold months months season and became the middle mixing state policies and regional religious beliefs.More China tour tags : Beijing tour
Today there are still more than 30 lamas residing within the Potala Structure, but it has been turned into a art gallery for people to check out. The Potala Structure includes an area of over 360,000 rectangle metres, calculating 360 metres from eastern to european and 270 metres from southern to northern. Having 13 experiences and 117 metres high, the stone-and-wood-structured Potala Structure includes 2 primary parts: the White-colored Structure and Red Structure.
The White-colored Structure which types China tour operator the southern and european ends of the complex with more than 1,000 areas was for high-end uses and included the residing areas, workplaces, the seminary and the publishing home,. The walls coloured to white indicates serenity and relaxed atmosphere. A primary, yellow-painted courtyard distinguishes the residing areas of the Lama and his priests with the Red Structure. The Red structures were spiritual structures which take up the middle of the group of buildings; absolutely dedicated to spiritual research and Buddhist prayer.
It includes a complex structure of many different places, chapels and collections on many different stages with a complex range of more compact exhibits and twisting paragraphs. Within the palace there are many spiritual signs and items. luxury China tour packages Every space in the palace is also loaded with vibrant paintings illustrating different moments associated with Buddhism.

