
Enjoy your Sera Monastery tour in Tibet

Sera Monastery, in the northern suv position of Lhasa City, is one of three well-known monasteries in Lhasa along with the Drepung Monastery and the Ganden Monastery. The Sera Monastery is dedicated to the Gelugpa or Yellow-colored Hat Sect, a China travel department of Tibetan Buddhism, recognized by Tsong Khapa. Jamchen Chojey, one of Tsong Khapa′s supporters developed the monastery in 1419 during the Ming Kingdom (1368-1644).
The monastery was known as Sera which indicates insane improved in the Tibetan language, because the hill behind it was secured with insane blossoms in flower when the monastery was developed.
Covering an position of 114,946 rectangular Lhasa Tour shape meters (28 acres), the monastery is amazing and amazing. Its main components are the Coqen Place, Zhacang (college) and Kamcun (dormitory). Scriptures released in gold powder, outstanding statues, perfume material and amazing artwork can be found in these locations. Brilliant debate on Buddhist doctrines are organized here and these apply a style exclusive from those at Lhasa′s other well-known monasteries.
Of the 3 outstanding monasteries, Sera is the closest to the Potala Framework at Lhasa and is 3 kilometers away from it. The whole monastic complex loaded 2 rectangular shape kilometers. The rock components behind the monastery keep near likeness of the 8 outstanding symptoms. Behind Sera, there is the Choding hermitage where Je Tsong Khapa lived and retreated and composed many important sms information. There is also a throne where he used to inform and next to it there is a little spring sacred to White-colored Manjusri. It is regarded that the spring h2o is outstanding for therapy stomach feeling sick and for improving information.More China Travel service From Chinatour.com : Beijing tour packages
Higher up the hill, there is a house where Marpa's handprint could be seen. A few kilometers away is the Pabongkha structure, which was a vacation used by the Tibetan expert Songtsen Gonpo and his 2 partners. It was here that Thomi Sambhota developed Tibetan at the requirement of the expert, using Sanskrit as the technique. As he came out of the vacation, people gathering at this house asked for him to demonstrate his works and China tour packages the lately developed released language.

