
The most interesting attractions in the Golden Temple Park

The Amazing Temple (Jin Dian) is a well-known Toaism forehead in Yunnan Area. The whole forehead China travel service was developed from brownish, which makes it glimmer like gold in the radiant sun. This is why individuals offered the forehead its name, the Amazing Temple.
The Amazing Temple is also known as Taihe Framework (Hall of Excellent Harmony) or Tongwa Temple (Bronze Ground Temple). Located on the amazing Mingfeng (Singing Phoenix) Mountain, about 15 kilometers from the southern Kunming town position, the forehead is the greatest one in China providers ever developed from brownish. The forehead was first developed in 1602 during the Ming Kingdom (1368–1644), copying the design of the Taihe Framework in Wudang Mountain in Hubei Area. In 1637 (the end of the Ming Dynasty), the forehead was moved to the top of Tianzhu The best possible (天柱峰, which is why Tianzhu The best possible is also known as Jinding: Amazing Top) in Jizu Mountains (鸡足山, the Buddhist shrine in Yunnan Province) in Binchuan Country for government aspects, creating the platform bed and fencing. However, the forehead on Tianzhu The best possible was damaged in the 1960s. The Amazing Temple on Mingfeng Mountain has now been restored under the deal of Wu Sangui (1612–1678, the Satrap of the European China providers in the Qing Kingdom which live through from 1644 to 1911), and has been well kept until these days.More China city tour : Tibet tour
The forehead position is 6.7 evaluate great, is 250 a lot, and China Travel Agency is the greatest birdwatcher structure in China providers. All of the ray material, gateways, ms ms windows, roof flooring surfaces, Taoist statues, surfaces styles, the marketing near the gate and couplets, and so on, are designed of brownish. The burnished brownish gleams like gold under the radiant sun, and makes the forehead the most well-known Taoist shrine in Yunnan Area.
Like most Taoist wats or wats or temples, before approaching the forehead visitors must go up a large number of rotating stone activities on the mountainside and get through three “Heavenly Gateways,” which are incrediblyChina travel packages developed with well-painted archivolts and carded facilitates and rafters. The stone activities are surrounded by amazing scenery, and while going up the the stone activities, visitors encounter a sensation of inner stability as they integrate themselves into the appeal of Mingfeng Mountain.

