
Kunming World Horticulture Exp

The World Agriculture Expo Lawn is 218 hectares in place, 2.5 km long, and 1.1 km in size. In your garden you can find 5 big display places (China Place, the Man and Features Place, the Organic House, the Technological innovation and Technological innovation Place, and the Globally Hall), 6 idea scenery (the Plant Lawn, the Tea Lawn, the Bonsai shrub Lawn, the Healing Organic herb Lawn, the Bamboo bedding bedding Lawn, China travel and the Vegetable and Fruits Garden), 3 outside showplaces (the Globally Outside Display Place, the Family Outside Display Place, and the Display Position for Enterprises), and 2 big pieces (Century Plaza, and the Performance Plaza).
The idea of this exposition garden is "Man and Features, walking into the Twenty-first century". The 34 Family Outside Display Place is huge and amazing. It is home to many different scenery from the 31 places of China providers, separate places, places straight under the Main Government, Hong Kong and Macao Special More China tour From Chinatour.com : Tibet Travel | Guide travel to Beijing
Administration Areas, and Taiwan. There are two green ties operating from southeast to north comprising the Yangtze Flow and the Yellow-colored Flow (Huang He). The scenery of the places not only display natural appeal, but also the local way of life, faith, and features of many places. Some common scenery are the smooth Wanchun Lawn (Beijing), the fashionable Xiaoxiang Lawn (Hunan Province), the modern Bio Lawn (Fujian Province), the unique Ningchun Lawn (Ningxia) and the delicate Shanshui Lawn (Guangxi, Shanshui means water and mountains).
The Globally Outside Exposition Lawn is a great place for people have fun with the conventional way of life of traditional Asian scenery plus the sea way of life of Western scenery, the informative and simple immigrant and basic way of life in the America scenery, and the Australian-flavored Oceania Lawn.
The World Agriculture Expo Lawn (Shiboyuan) is a 218-hectare international organic garden complicated left over from the World Agriculture Exposition in 1999. While some of the shows are a bit outdated, and the region would be better used if turned into China travel agents a car park, the Expo Landscapes are educational and provide a enjoyable place to spend a warm mid-day. The entry fee is 100 RMB for adults, 50 RMB for students. Place and garden fans would most certainly appreciate a journey to the Expo Landscapes.

