
How to get to Beijing Yonghegong

Strategy your China Tour? If you are looking for China Lamaism or China Buddhism, China Lama Forehead is not to be skipped. China Lamasery Forehead is known as “Yonghegong” (雍和宫) in China which basically mesans” Balance and Peace”. ”luxury China tour packages Yonghegong” is a romanization type (pinyin) of China charactors – 雍和宫 (Lama Temple).
The size of the temple are spectacular, which have five courtyards in a row. The top side architectural structure in the temple is shiny and large marked with display surfaces with designed paintings, inactive factors and designed archways. The internal sidewalk resulting in the primary hallways and the time tested maple and cypress appear to be rather relaxing and hidden in the surroundings. The back architectural structure is consisting of a group of developing, hallways and pavilions intermingled with each other, and upturned eaves and side magnificently intertwined introducing a attractive vision.China tour Info tags : Tibet Travel
The major developing in the rearmost courtyard and highest developing in the lamasery is the three-story Area of Unlimited Pleasure (Wangfuge), also known as the Area of Excellent Buddha (Dafolou). Flanking it on both factors are two two-story pavilions-the Everlasting Wellness Pavilion (Yongkangge) and the Everlasting Relaxed atmosphere Pavilion (Yanningge), both linked with the primary hall by Beijing travel expense connects.
A large sculpture of the Tathagata Buddha (Rulaifo) appears in the middle of the hall. Created from the back area of only one sandalwood shrub, the status sculpture is 26 metres in size (eight metres below the first ground and 18 metres above) and eight metres across. It is said that when this sculpture was first set up it was fixed with a yellow-colored monk's gown made from more than 1,800 metres of silk.
Most guests to the temple will get rid of joss stays to praise the Buddha. However, it is sensible to buy the joss China travel stays outside. If there are two many pilgrims and you do not have the opportunity to get rid of you joss stays, the lama will ask you to keep them on the compromise desk. After viewing the Lama Forehead, one can also go to the Guozijian and Confucius Forehead, which are in the community of the Lama Forehead and of great social and traditional principles.

