
History of YongHeGong Lama Temple

The YongHeGong Lama Forehead (YongHe Temple), also known as the 'Palace of Serenity and Balance Lama Temple', is a temple and monastery of the Geluk (Yellow Hat) University of Tibetan Buddhism in the east primary aspect of China, next to the train place of the same name.
Building perform on the YongHeGong Forehead began in 1694 during China travel agents the Qing Empire. It initially provided as an formal property for judge eunuchs. It was then turned into the judge of Royal prince YongZheng (Yin Zhen), a son of emperor KangXi. After YongZheng's rise to the throne in 1722, 50 percent of the developing was turned into a lamasery, a monastery for priests of Tibetan Buddhism, while the other 50 percent stayed an imperial structure.
After YongZheng's loss of life in 1735, his coffin was placed in the temple for the bereaved. YongZheng's heir, emperor QianLong, provided the temple imperial position. This was signified by having its aqua blue flooring changed with the yellow-colored flooring that were organized for the emperor. Consequently (1744), the monastery became a lamasery and a property for huge variety of Tibetan Buddhist priests from Mongolia and Tibet. The YongHeGong Lamasery became the nationwide center of Lama management.More China tour Info : Tibet Travel
YongHeGong Lama Forehead is organized along a north-south primary axis, which has a duration of 480m. The primary Beijing tours checkpoint is at the the southern aspect of end of this axis.
Along the primary axis of YongHeGong there are five primary hallways that are divided by courtyards: the Area of Incredible Leaders (Tian Wang Dian or Devaraja Hall), the Area of Balance and Serenity (YongHeGong), the Area of Long term Security (YongYouDian), the Area of the Rim of the Law (FalunDian), and the Pavilion of Ten Million Happinesses (WanFuGe).
In the first judge of YongHeGong there is a glazed-tile posture, Gate of Serenity Announcement (ZhaoTaiMen), designed with attractive mythical beasts and blossoms. Strolling through the huge glazed-tile posture you will achieve a three posture checkpoint - the Gate of Serenity. The primary passage was only for emperors. In the second China travel judge, on each aspect of the Gate of Serenity, take a position a Gong Structure and Drum Structure. Two pavilions take a position symmetrically reverse to the northern. Identities in China, Manchu, Mongolian and Tibetan are etched on slates to record the temple's record.

