
Beijing Liuyin Park travel tips

Liuyin Recreation area every year have the capital to purchase 170,000 plenty of h2o that is clean for the stream h2o waterways and ponds to add. Additional h2o from the northern checkpoint upstream supply maple moat, the confluence of public surprise sewage strain line, 4 km road changes and changes, the brought in waterpark has been infected. Even more serious is that with the increasing h2o shortages and dry weather recently, liuyin contamination in the stream park management is difficult to get public h2o loaded liuyin Pond. As China vacation packages the lake’s waterways and the lack of protection of h2o high quality, leading to h2o high quality, the growth of marine plants and marine creatures are confronted. In 2004, the Dongcheng Region Government through the use of micro-processing technological innovation park northern west of the public sewage handling and recycle. In This summer 2004, the h2o therapy venture was formally released in Nov 2005 through the finalization and approval.
Beijing tour
In liuyin Recreation area, the h2o therapy place with a rockery as overall look, set off in a green, the traditional appeal of the town and the park functions incorporated. Treatment place by means of semi-buried, includes an area of ??only 230 rectangle metres. Processing place equipment is shut, with extended life, high degree of self-control, and low feedback costs. Poor h2o interval mentioned by the China Travel Agency scientific therapy of public sewage h2o added, handling potential of 750 to 1200 cubic metres / day; wet interval can be straight moving h2o into the stream after therapy distribution, improve self-purification potential of the stream flow, highest possible potential of 1200 cubic metres / day.Anaerobic scientific therapy such as national certain technological innovation and ozone, scientific triggered as well as, flotation devices and other innovative technological innovation to type a scientific filtration, h2o recycle, smell handling three systems.
Beijing is a city h2o lack, consuming h2o and requirement contradiction. Chinese suppliers inhabitants from 4 decades ago, 800 thousand to 14 thousand, GDP from 300 billion dollars to more than 3300 billion dollars, while yearly rainfall has reduced. Beijing’s per household ownership of h2o sources all less than 300 cubic metres per household in the whole of Chinese suppliers is only 1 / 8, the world average of 1 / 30, far below the worldwide approved minimum per 1,000 cubic metres of h2o. Shortage of h2o sources to relieve the current h2o sources, consuming h2o and requirement as the most effective actions. Water recycle continue to be registered.
After the public wastewater therapy standard functions used to create the park, waterpark liuyin place or the first. Liuyin waterpark h2o recycle place, noticed the current h2o flow Pond gained, gained the stream successfully fix the h2o problem, but also Beijing tour efficient use and efficiency of limited and useful h2o sources, decrease sewage, waste h2o pollutants, decrease h2o high quality, but also to ease its sewage excess trend, which is sucked in the encompassing h2o therapy, the closest place, the closest is a good model to use.
China tour tags : Lhasa Tours

