
Travel to Beihai Park in Beijing 09/04

Beihai Entertainment place is an imperial garden to the north western of the Prohibited City in Chinese suppliers providers. First developed in the 10th century, it is amongst the greatest of Chinese suppliers providers scenery, and contains several typically important elements, mansions and wats or wats or temples. Since 1925, the place has been begin to the group as a recreation area.China travel It is also connected at its north end to the Shichahai.
The Entertainment place has an place of more than 69 hectares, with a lake that contains more than 50 % of the whole Entertainment place. At the middle of the Entertainment place is an tropical isle known as Qiónghuá (琼华) Isle with a highest possible aspect of 32 m. In the north of the recreation area there is a large discuss known as the Taiye Share connecting the two other consistently, which are luxury China tours known as the Center Sea and the Southeast Sea respectively. Therefore the Taiye Share is also known as the Beihai.
Beihai generally indicates "Northern Sea". There are also corresponding "Central" and "Southern Seas" (Zhongnanhai). The complex of components around Zhongnanhai houses China's crucial control.
The Beihai Entertainment place, as with many of Chinese suppliers providers imperial scenery, was developed to imitate well known stunning places and framework from various places of China; the taihu lake, the complex pavilions and routes in Hangzhou and Yangzhou, the delicate garden elements in Suzhou and others all offered as concepts for the design of the several sites in this imperial garden.
Best Time to go in a year
People like the park all year round. In winter, it becomes one of the biggest skating rinks in the Beijing tours. In summer, the park is a popular retreat and a getaway away from heat in summer. In spring, Beihai Park is immersed in the sea of flowers. In autumn, enjoy the beatuiful scenary of Beihai Lake and Qionghua Island with blue sky.  
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