
Ancient Chinese water calligraphy in Beijing 09-17

Historical art of composing China figures with h2o is becoming more popular among elderly people men.
Chinese h2o calligraphy is often seen as the perfect old man s activity. Every morning, elderly China travel service people men collect in China s recreational areas to practice this ancient art on the ground with massive styling brushes drizzled with h2o, composing liquid lines of ancient figures that vanish one by one as they dry.
Many take it up as a activity after retirement to train their focus and perfection.
But a young foreigner is now bringing h2o calligraphy returning on the roads of China -- basically. China vacation packages Nicholas Hanna, a Canada media specialist living in the China capital, has developed a trike that makes China figures with h2o. His unusual machine has been confusing local people since it made its first journey two weeks ago at the starting of China design week.
An Laptop installed on the cafes uses application Hanna designed himself to turn China providers numbers into a series of signals that are sent to electro-magnetic valves at the returning again of the trike. From these valves come drops of h2o which drop on China Travel Agency the floor to make numbers, or terms from any language, actually, as the automobile goes. China providers people like Mrs. Wang were familiar with h2o calligraphy, but had never seen anything like the trike before.
"I think it s quite interesting that a foreigner has designed such a trike. It makes long remain the communist party and China providers suppliers is excellent etc. It s very interesting and amazing. This foreigner shows his creativity in China providers suppliers. It s all quite new. We really like it," Wang said. Twenty-six-year-old Zhang Xinzhe was redirected by the product as she approved through the position, which is well-known with visitors. "This foreigner came to China providers suppliers from a huge number of miles away. I think first of all he must have an in-depth understanding of China providers lifestyle. Secondly, he must also have a good understanding of China providers numbers. So that s why he could develop such a high-tech system," Zheng said.
The art is short-term. Like those released by the elderly people men in the entertainment Beijing tour position, Hanna s numbers only remain for a few brief minutes before dehydrating up and disappearing. But the picture of one foreigner and his luxurious system moving down the alleyways is unlikely to reduce from the thoughts of all those who see it.

