
How to Travel healthy in Beijing autumn 09/24

Typically, drop is the gather year. It is enough here we are at our bodies to gather and gather energy for the colder a few several weeks ahead. In drop, the of summer season months gives into the increasing yin energy of the approaching winter. There is less activity in the China travel service colder a few several weeks, but more focus on material, looking after, and helping and creating our parts of the body system, fluids and blood. After summer season months, drop is a opportunity to clear excess heated from the whole body system, and then as temperature ranges drop, it's about a opportunity to start heating the whole body system, against dimensions. While this may seem uncertain, summer season months heated saps strength, while internal convenience helps strength.
The Body parts of Autumn
The steel stage – Breathing (yin) and Large Intestinal (yang). The Breathing are about increasing and spreading, just as they take in the air we take in and then spread the fresh air all around the whole body system. Bronchi qi builds up and maintains strength. Breathing that are highly effective make a personal effective in how they go about their projects and help them to maintain purpose. The Large Intestinal ‘lets go’ of what is no longer necessary. A balance between the Bronchi and Large Intestinal will allow a personal to respect obligations, but then let go of a relationship when it is over.
The Breathing in TCM are very carefully associated with the immune system, as they are related to the protection qi Beijing tours (wei qi). This protection qi is handled by the Breathing and produced by the intestinal system (Spleen) and the fire of the Kidney system. The wei qi goes around the skin, nasal area and mouth, defending the whole body system from external attacks by viruses, the typical cool and viruses. These external attacks are often led by ‘wind’ in TCM.
If the wei qi is not working well, you will frequently get the typical cool and flu or hay-fever type symptoms. An important part of creating wei qi is to avoid too much sweating, which allows qi to flow from the whole body system. However, if your wei qi is poor and you are feeling sick, then try eating fresh nutmeg to motivate convenience and sweating to launch the flu, but try dry nutmeg between the typical cool to build the wei qi.
The Breathing connection with the skin and wei qi in TCM means that the skin shows the condition of the Breathing, luxury China tours which needs to be highly effective enough to keep the wind out. In drop we can increase the amount of oil we eat to give the skin more protection. If the Breathing are highly effective, the skin will be bright and firm.
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