
Harbin ice and snow festival chinatour.com 07/15

U.s. Defense Chief To Meet His Chinese China tourism Counterpart As Relations ThawU.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates will meet his Chinese counterpart Liang Guanglie next week on the sidelines of an ASEAN conference in Hanoi as the United States and China move to end an eight-month freeze on military exchanges.Gates is reportedly planning to travel to China early next year. think we are efforting to put together a meeting of that sort when Secretary Gates and his Chinese counterpart are attending the ASEAN-plus ministerial in Hanoi early next week,?Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell told reporters.
Xian is located in the center of Guanzhong "#KUJ715" Plain, lying Qinling Mountain in south and facing Weihe River in north. The climate of Xian belongs to semi-humid continental climate in the warm Temperate Zone, which offers the four distinct seasons in Xian. The average temperature in Xian in a year is around 13 degrees centigrade.
The best time to visit Xian is in spring and autumn, neither too hot nor too cold. Strolling around this ancient city during this period would never fail to be a terrific experience. If visiting Lishan Mountain and Cuihua Mountain during this period, visitors would be rewarded with full blossom flowers and breathtaking sceneries. Winter is the last best time to visit Xian, because of the severe cold weather of Xian in that period. Summer is the second to winter because of the burning hot climate of Xian in summer.-Chinatour.com
Gates is flying to Hanoi on Saturday to China travel packages participate in the inaugural ASEAN Defense Ministers plus eight meeting, a gathering of the defense ministers of the ASEAN nations, as well as their partners, including Australia, China, India, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, Russia and the United States.It is the first time that that defense leaders from the regions will formally come together and establish a regional security dialogue. more regular exchange of views will help build trust and transparency in the region, which will be important as nations there continue to develop new, more advanced military capabilities,Morrell said.With regards to U.S.-China relations, China had suspended such contacts in January in protest over Customized China Tours the US$6.4 billion arms package that Washington sold to Taiwan.
This led to Beijing refusing to invite Gates to visit during his previous trip to the region in June.The Associated Press reports that China signaled an end to the freeze last week when the Defense Ministry head of foreign affairs, Maj. Gen. Qian Lihua, told visiting U.S. Assistant Deputy Defense Secretary Michael Schiffer that regular dialogue and exchanges on military safety at sea and other issues would be resumed.hat been asked of us Guilin tour packages  now is the Chinese have expressed to us a desire to host the secretary.

