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The Recession In China Draws More Foreigners China travel To Study Chinese In BeijingIn this grand world, the economy has taken a plunge. The recession is here and it has become harder to earn a living, even if you have a degree from a university of a college. Despite that, with the many layoffs and shut downs of companies, people are returning to school in order to get a degree while they cannot find a job at the current moment. Some others decide to travel with the saving they have acquired. Sometimes people do a combination of both.
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Tour Code: 13GYH16
Destination: Beijing, Xian, Chongqing, Cruise, Shanghai, Hong Kong
Price: from only $ 2399
Golden Route & Hong Kong, 14 Days
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Destination: Beijing, Xian, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Shanghai, Hong Kong
Price: from only $ 1999
Our Hong Kong tours cover the most popular "#OLK725" attractions in Hong Kong, which are all highly favored by travelers. Such must-haves in a Hong Kong tour as world-renowned Victoria Peak, breathtaking Lantau Island, beautiful Repulse Bay, funny Hong Kong Disneyland and featured Aberdeen are all covered.
They enter a program where they are able 72-Hour Visa Free Travel to study Chinese in Beijing. One might wonder why they would do that. It is rather simple. Most of the world has been affected by the recession, except the countries in Asia, especially China, who has a population of over a billion people. The demands for business are still quite high there. But it is not easy to just go there and start a business off. A lot of research needs to be put into it. Studies need to be done since the language and culture are quite different from others. Along with that comes the 72-Hour Visa Free Stay in Beijing and Shanghai mystery of how things are run in china.
Due to its communist regime there are a lot of preconceived notice, myths and urban legends going around. It is vital to educate yourself and to free yourself of them. It will help you be more open minded about going there to study Chinese in Beijing. Most students prefer to go to Beijing. It is not only the capital of China, but also the host of the 2008 summer Olympic. The opening up of the country has surprised many around Beijing Attraction the world, and rightfully so. Like it was previously mentioned, China is quite, or use to be, a closed up country.

