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Tourists Behaving BadlyWhen preparing to China travel service go on vacation, remember to pack your manners. No matter where you end up traveling, the locals are going to base a lot on your behavior, including how they perceive your culture in general, on how you behave. It seems as though many who travel abroad forget to be polite to those that host them when they are away from home.
Generally speaking, the most "#FTG710" time in a year is good to visit Shanghai, but the best time is from March to May and from September to November. From March to May is the spring time of Shanghai when various kinds of flowers blooms and trees burgeon forth. However you should not only consider the weather to but also the legal public holidays. On Tomb-Sweeping Day, people usually go to graveyards nearby to mourn the dead so that there is very heavy traffic on the road. May Day holidays are around the first week of May when millions of Chinese travel domestically and internationally. Just avoid these two traveling periods if visiting Shanghai in spring.-Chinatour.com
Some suggest that behavior on vacation Guilin travel guide is directly related to whether or not you've visited before. The thinking is that, once you've had a taste of the culture, surely you'll be more sensitive the next time. Others argue that, regardless of how many times you've come around, tourists remain a painful necessity to any economy.While it's not limited to one Lhasa attractions demographic or culture, there are some tourists that are notoriously worse than others.
However, no matter where you're from, you're getting a bad rap for one thing or another. So, how does the bad behavior break down? We've got a quick overview of who's notorious for what when they're on vacation.A recent survey has given Brits the top nod China travel packages for bad behavior when they're traveling abroad. They've been labeled as noisy, rude, badly dressed and terrible tippers.

