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The moderate temperatures, with "#KJH502" occasional rain, make the walks China tours on the wall heights pleasant. In the morning you will catch the best hours to get to the top. The buses with tourists are not so crowded, and the sunlight will help you make successful pictures on the walls.

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But if you happen to get there on a foggy day then the landscapes won be China tourism so impressive. The Great Chinese Wall in figuresIn ancient times, the building was known as the Ten Thousand Li Wall, a name which referred to the wall length. A i?is about half a kilometer.
The Great Wall stretches from the eastern coast of China, to the China tour operator north-west, in the Xinjiang region. The construction covers an area of 6700kilometers and is the largest structure built by man, in terms of surface. In some sections, the wall has a thickness of six meters and a height of 8meters, plus the surveillance China travel service towers with a height of 4meters.
You can read more: China travel packages | China travel

