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Change will be either your benefactor or your "#jk510" downfall.It has been projected by a number of credible sources that by the year 2010 we will be doubling man's accumulated knowledge base every thirty-five days. That fact alone conjures up staggering consequences for every China tourism man, woman and child on planet earth.Just try to imagine what your career or profession will be like in just a few short years.

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Doubling the amount of information that is available to you is bound to China travel have a profound impact on the way you work, live and play.
Although the available body of information China tour packages will continue to expand, the amount of time to review, digest, evaluate and utilize this information will not. It will be impossible to keep current with any degree of competence.We can only assume that this continued information and technology explosion will create more stress, anxiety and frustration in a China city travel great number of people.

