
Potala Palace tour , Lhasa

The Potala Framework was only a little bit broken during the Tibetan rebellion against the infiltrating China in 1959. Compared with most other Tibetan spiritual components, it was not sacked by the Red Security officers China travel during the 60s and 70s, obviously through the individual involvement of Chou En Lai. Consequently, all the chapels and their relics are very well maintained.
From as beginning as the 11th millennium the palace was known as Potala. This name probably originates from Mt. Potala, the legendary mountain property of the Bodhisattva Chenresi (Avilokiteshvara / Kuan Yin) in the southern aspect of Native indian. The Emperor Songtsen Gampo had been considered as an version of Chenresi. Given that he established the Potala, luxury China tours it seems likely that the hilltop palace of Lhasa took on the name of the Native indian holy mountain. The Potala Framework is an enormous structure, its internal area being in unwanted of 130,000 rectangle metres.

Fulfilling several features, the Potala was first and significant the property of the Dalai Lama and his huge employees. Moreover, it was the chair of Tibetan govt, where all events of condition were held; it located a college for spiritual coaching of priests and administrators; and it was one of Tibet's significant pilgrimage locations because of the tombs of previous Dalai Lamas. Within the White-colored Framework are two little chapels, the Phakpa Lhakhang and the Chogyal Drubphuk; relationship from the 7th millennium, these chapels are the earliest enduring components on the mountain and also the most holy. The Potala's most venerated sculpture, the Arya Lokeshvara, is located within the Phapka Lhakhang, and it attracts a huge number of Tibetan pilgrims each day.More China tour City Guide : Beijing tour packages
Surrounding the Red Framework is the high-end White-colored Framework (Potrang Karpo), the former house of the Dalai Lama and his priests. Initially designed in the 1650s, it was prolonged to its existing dimension by the Thirteenth Dalai Lama in the beginning 20th century. Moreover to monastic residing areas, the White-colored Framework included workplaces, the seminary for coaching Tibetan govt authorities and the publishing house.
The most essential shrine in the Potala is the Saint's Church in the White-colored Framework, which contains a recognized sculpture of Chenrezi, bodhisattva of sympathy. Below the Saint's Church is the Dharma Cavern, where Master Songtsen Gampo analyzed the Tibet Travel Buddhist scriptures after his transformation in the 7th millennium. These areas are the earliest aspect of the Potala Framework.

