
Useful Things for Jiuzhaigou National Park

The Zechawa Area, 18 kilometers lengthy, stretches from Nuorilang to the Chang Pond, China travel service the route of the biggest elevation of all your Jiuzhaigou tours, featuring overlapped and erecting mountains. Overlooking from a distance, you will have a complete view of the U-shaped valley, under the sun and covered with glaciers. Looking afar from Mt. Duona, you will find tranquil snow mountains and meandering mountain ranges, as if you were touring around in the universe.
The Zechawa Gully is the south-eastern branch of Jiuzhaigou. It is approximately the same duration as Rize gully (18 km ) but climbs to a higher elevation (3150 m at the Long Lake). Going downhill from its maximum point, it functions the following sites:
Long Pond is the biggest, largest and deepest lake in Jiuzhaigou, measuring 7.5 km long and up to 103 m detailed. It reportedly has no outgoing waterways, getting its h2o from snowmelt and losing it from seepage. Local folklore functions a monster in its depths.Five-Color Pond is one of the smallest but most spectacular bodies of h2o in Jiuzhaigou ponds. Despite its very modest dimensions and detail, it has a richly shaded underwater landscape with some of the brightest and clearest waters in the area.The Periodic Lakes are a series of 3 ponds (Lower, Middle and Upper) along the main road, that modify from empty to complete during each season. City tour : Tibet Tours | Beijing travel
Seasonal Lakes
There is a Reduced Periodic Pond and an Higher Periodic Pond in the Zechawa Area. The Reduced Periodic Pond is near Zechawa Village and has a grove of birches at the lakeside. Strawberries and other wild fruits can be found in the grove. The top Periodic Pond is next to the Five-Colored Pond and is surrounded by cliffs. All the ponds have plenty of red h2o due to the ample rainfall in autumn and are at a low level of natural shade h2o in spring and winter time. While in the early summer, the h2o dries up and turns into grassland as lots of grasses grow in the riverbeds.

The Five-colored Pond
This vibrant pond is famous for its multi-colored, clear and transparent h2o. The area of it is 5,645 square metres. It has the elevation of 2,995 metres. During the cold months months season, the h2o of it is never freezing. Whether during rain or drought, the h2o potential doesn't modify at all. That's because the h2o of it is supplied from Changhai Pond under the floor. As we know, h2o under the floor is never freezing in the wintertime season, so the potential of h2o stays almost the same through the whole season. The detail of the Colorful Pond is 6.6 metres. The shapes and the grains of the stones under it can be seen clearly. It is amazing that along with of the h2o is red,China travel or natural, or yellow, or light red, etc, at different areas in the same pond. In the sunshine, when the wind blows, the h2o is splashed with some red, or golden, or natural dimples.

