
Travel to Fengdu-The Ghost City

Fengdu Phantom Town is situated in Fengdu Nation in Chongqing city, 170 miles downstream from Chongqing on the northern financial institution of the Yangtze Stream, which is a must-see along Yangtze Stream vacation. Fengdu Phantom Town is well known for strongly designed architectures and numbers in Hades, such as Heng Ha Forehead, Son of Paradise Area, Link of Vulnerability, Yellow-colored Rises China travel service , Phantom Torturing Successfully pass, 18 Stage of Hells, Master of Medication Area, Assess of Terrible and Home Watching Pavilion and the like. The Hades known in the excellent performs like Trip to the Western, Apotheosis of Characters and Unusual Stories of a Alone Studio room are all strongly proven here. Fengdu Phantom Town is the position where mystery of spirits in Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism are completely combined.
Bridge of Helplessness
Bridge of Vulnerability is the bridge that every spirit has to combination before coming into the underworld. The bridge has a record of 500-plus decades, 172cm great, 156cm extensive and 355cm lengthy, blue-stone introduced direction and flower-engraved fences. Below the bridge is a square-shaped share of h2o. Individuals with excellent benefit will pass the bridge efficiently, while the wicked ones will drop into the private pools below and would be experienced seriously.More China city tour :Tibet Travel
The Phantom Torturing Successfully pass is situated on top of the Mingshan Optimum and it is the outer-door to get into the Son of Paradise Area. According to excellent books like Trip to the Western, every spirit need to review to Yams, the king of the hell after loss of life, China Travel Agency and they need to combination through the Phantom Torturing Successfully pass. Demons in Phantom Torturing Successfully pass are all strongly designed.
On both ends of Son of Paradise Area appears a hell, which is often known as eighteen stages of hell. 18 Stages of Terrible is the position where the Yama, the Master of the hell, penalize the spirits which make sins when they are in existence. China travel It is said that sinners are exposed to horrible tortures until their "deaths" in the eighteen stages of hell. What type of tortures would be experienced relies on the sins dedicated, different from cutting, chiselling, cutting into 50 percent, bashing or beating into pulp, to mashed by large stones or stones, run over by automobiles, boiled in oil cauldron and the like.

