
Travel tips for your Yunfeng Mountain tour

Install Yunfeng appears in Ruidian Township and over 50 miles away in the north west of the nation chair. Seen from a range, the hill looks like a bamboo bedding capture massive into the sky. The hill got its name because there are China vacation packages often atmosphere protecting its top.
Mount Yunfeng is a sacred hill for the Taoists and loves excellent reputation in the european aspect of Yunnan and the northern of Burma. Pilgrims from home and overseas often go there to make a pilgrimage. "The three flight tickets of steps" is one of the most wonderful scenery in Tengchong. More than one million actions cause to the hill top. The steepest position includes 43 actions, which is almost straight and is less than one gauge extensive. Going up the up to the top, visitors have to get keep of stores and simply to stroll very near China travel to the precipice.
Not far from the Jinshanling Great Walls, the Yunfeng Mountain is a popular hill in Miyun County China. The Yunfeng Mountain is in the Bulaotun Town on northern of the Miyun Tank. The popular hill in China is a picturesque identify such as scenery and traditional artifacts.Click more China Travel Info : Lhasa Tour
The Yunfeng Mountain is risky, unusual and massive. Status on the hill, you will see the wonderful Miyun Tank. On the two factors of the hill, you will look in a far range from the hill. You will completely experience the excellent and unusual characteristics situated on the hill.
Enjoying the wonderful scenery at the top of Yunfeng Mountain is a spectacular encounter. The cost of the China Travel Agency forehead gong in the morning hours and the drumbeats in the evening only provide to improve the sensation. If time allows, the encompassing Miyun Tank is also well value viewing.

