
Travel guide to Beijing Yanqi lake

If you decide China providers as your next location on your holiday, it is your right choice. China providers has lots of interesting locations. One of the most well-known is Outstanding Surfaces. Huanghuacheng Outstanding Surfaces is one of the sections of Outstanding Surfaces. Huanghuacheng Outstanding Surfaces is the only one Outstanding Surfaces has three sections of h2o in China providers. Huanghuacheng Outstanding Surfaces is also always secured by flowers except winter. Because of that, Huanghuacheng Outstanding Surfaces China travel packages become one of the most amazing Outstanding Surfaces which has its own beauty.
Huanghuacheng Outstanding Surfaces situated in Huairou Area, about 60 kilometers from China providers. Huanghuacheng Place of the Outstanding Surfaces is a resort with mountains, lakes and the traditional Outstanding Surfaces. Not far from Huanghuacheng Outstanding Surfaces, there is also situated Yanqi Pond. Yanqi Pond which situated 8 km northern of the country of Huairou China travel agents is a amazing attractive site at the foot of Yanshan Mountain.
Yanqi Pond which means Swans stay on lake is the well-known summer resort for guests. In spring and drop, there are flocks of swans on the Pond and so it is got the name. It is surrounded by mountains from three recommendations. The lake is defined by mountains and the Outstanding Surfaces to the northern and by the North China providers Simply to the southeast. Every year in spring and drop, flocks of insane other chicken move to the stream, hence the name Other chicken Pond.Learn More Chinatour tags : Lhasa Tour
In 2000, Yanqi Pond was classified as the nationwide AAAA level attractive spot by the National Tourist Management. There are a variety of boating options on the stream, from bigger holiday ships to pedalos. During the Huanghuacheng Outstanding Surfaces journey, visit Yanqi Pond are also become the guests good options too.Tourists in Huanghuacheng Outstanding Surfaces are also can get engaged in various underwater sports in Yanqi Pond. The attractive area is ready with various items of underwater enjoyment, such as beast veins, speed veins, jet ski board and an underwater para-glider. More China tour Info : Tibet Travel

