
My Beijing tour - Vist Tiananmen Square

Tiananmen Rectangular shape is the greatest town rectangle on the world (440,000 m2 – 880 m by 500 m), where you can check out Tiananmen Framework, Monument to the People's Figures, Mao Zedong Memorial Place, and Outstanding Place of the People. It reveals great public significance of Chinese providers long history. Besides, you can also see the nationwide advertising improving marriage, getting China travel the sensation of pleasure.
China Travel
The most important operate of it in the past was to declare to the common those who became the emperor. On Oct. 1 1949, the Seat of Chinese providers suppliers Mao Zedong declared the platform of the People’ Republic of Chinese providers suppliers, which converted a new web page in China’s history. That is the most exciting time for all Chinese providers. Since then, Tiananmen has become the symbol of New Chinese providers suppliers, and there has been set up a large symbol of Seat Mao in the top part of Tiananmen Framework. The govt preserves a big marriage for praising the platform on Oct.1 every year.
West of the Rectangular shape is the Outstanding Place of the People, which was designed in 1959. It preserves China tour agents National People's The legislature conventions and other govt and diplomatic actions. There are 12 rock content at the top side part of the Place. The Place has three parts–the Primary Place, the Outstanding Viewers and a Banqueting Place. The ground of the Primary Place is presented with rock and incredibly lighting hold from the ceiling. The Outstanding Viewers behind the Primary Place seats about 10,000. The Banqueting Place is a large area with 5,000 seats. Besides meeting, there are show organised here. People who execute here are well-known on the world.
At the southern part of the Rectangular shape is Mao Zedong Memorial Hall,which is divided into three halls. Our beloved Seat Mao’s body can be discovered in a incredibly coffin in one of the halls surrounded by fresh blossoms of various well-known blossoms and low herbage. Daily, there are so lots of those who bring blossoms to get in. In one of the halls can be discovered Seat Mao’s incredibly coffin surrounded by fresh blossoms of blossoms and low herbage.
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