
History of Great Wall

The Outstanding Surfaces had the function of military protection in the past, but now it is a amazing framework of The china providers and a symbol of Chinese people's unity. Later, The Outstanding Surfaces was detailed in the World Public Lifestyle China travel Information and it is described as one of the lengthiest defending walls.
“If you never go up the Outstanding Surfaces, you are not a true man” is popular terms among The china providers. So every year, many people at home and international come to check out the truly awesome wonder on the world. The Outstanding Surfaces is as long as 6000 kilometers and looks like a beast in the map of Chinese providers. The investment, Chinese providers, is in the north of the Yellow-colored luxury China tours Flow and southeast of the Outstanding Surfaces.
Until the Han kingdom, Emperor Wu directed to develop another external Outstanding Surfaces to the north of Mountain Yin. So the inadequate Huns could not get into the south east area from the Outstanding Surfaces.
In 1368, Zhu Yuanzhang, the expert of Ming kingdom, sent the older common Xuda to make the Outstanding Surfaces to the north. In the following 260 years, the Outstanding Surfaces was developed for 18 times. In 1500, the Outstanding Surfaces in Ming kingdom was almost completed. At this time, the Outstanding Surfaces was known as Ming Outstanding Surfaces. In the record there were three building tides for the Beijing travel Outstanding Surfaces, they are individually Qin Outstanding Surfaces, Han Outstanding Surfaces and Ming Outstanding Surfaces.
Until the Qing kingdom, the military protection function of the Outstanding Surfaces had disappeared. The body and gate techniques of the Outstanding Surfaces are partly damaged because of the natural causes and the individual activities. After the company of new Chinese providers, the Outstanding Surfaces was suffering from the state level protection. Some control was in cost of the fixing and protection of the Outstanding Surfaces.
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