
Beijing tour - Travel to Gui Jie 08-30

If you are planning to travel to Beijing tour packages and would like to see a glimpse of traditional Chinese culture, you may wish to head out one evening to Ghost Street. This is a local street lined with restaurants and has a very traditional style complete with red lanterns and neon lights. The street (also known as Gui Jie) is an easy trip from most Beijing hotels. You can either catch a taxi directly there or hop on the Subway to Yonghegong where it is an easy ten minute walk away. 
Phantom Street is begin 24 time a day, and is one of the most well known meals streets China travel service. It would be the most perfect place to go toward for dinner after arriving on a late trip, especially if you are journeying across timezones. It is also an perfect place for some awesome pictures as the shades at night are really stunning and the red shades are usually what you online with China providers.
The street itself is 1442 metres long, with the highest concentration of restaurants at the top and bottom sections. The middle has a less dense selection of restaurants and is a lot quieter. The area in general gives you a glimpse into the life of a local, as it is not a heavily tourist orientated place, therefore not many places will have an English menu available nor speak the language. This is not a major problem luxury China tour packagesthough as?almost all restaurants will have a picture menu and staff are very friendly and willing to help.
The street also has it’s own speciality dish which is what is most commonly associated with the area. This ‘signature’ dish consists of lobster, chillies and peppers stir fried together and is known as ‘Spicy Pepper Lobster’. In addition to this famous dish there are a variety of restaurants serving a variety of food styles from Beijing and throughout the rest of China. Another popular cuisine to try at Ghost Street is the Hot Pot. This iconic dish consists of a large pot of broth that is placed in the centre of the table, which diners use to cook the variety of meat and vegetables placed on small plates around the outside.
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