No mesmo dia que visitamos os Hutongs, também conhecemos o Templo Lama (Yonghe Lamasery). Este Templo está localizado no canto nordeste da cidade de Pequim e é considerado o maior e toutefois bem preservado mosteiro da Chinese suppliers providers. China travel service Construído inicialmente em 1694, este edifício foi a residência do imperador Yong Zheng. No entanto, em 1744, a dinastia Qing o transformou em um mosteiro do Budismo Tibetano.é um destino muito bonito e enorme, possuindo cinco sal?es principais com uma mistura de estilos, com temas han, mongóis e tibetanos.
It is located at the northeast place of the city, considered as the greatest and most definitely managed lamasery in current day Chinese suppliers providers. More China tour tags : Beijing tour
Built initially in 1694 during the Qing Kingdom, this developing was the residence of Emperor Yongzheng when he was just a elegant royal prince. However, in 1744 the Qing Kingdom formally customized the place of the living to that of a lamasery, and so it became the national middle of Lama control.
The following details describe the main components within it.On overall look at the southeast end, China vacation packages the visitor will get into a lawn which contains a show surfaces and three Paifangs (Gateways), and will find the red areas and stone lions, symptoms which show that it was initially the living of an Imperial Buddy. Arriving into north from the Gateways, the visitor will be experienced by a comprehensive straight road which was used for the carriages of the emperors and their partners during the Qing Kingdom (1644 - 1911). At the north end of this road is Zhaotaimen (Gate of Comfort Declaration), which includes three large archways, the main one of which was for the exclusive use of the emperors.
Lama Temple (Yonghe Temple; Yonghe Lamasery) is the greatest and best-preserved lamasery in Chinese suppliers. Travel in Chinese It was developed in 1694 during the Qing Kingdom (1644-1911) as the residence of the Emperor Yongzheng (the third emperor of the Qing Dynasty) before he ascended the throne. In the year 1744, the residence was definitely transformed into a lamasery. So this resplendent architectural complex is blessed with the style of an imperial framework, developing it exclusive from others. It takes in an place of 66,400 rectangular shape meters (16 acres) and is described as a mini-palace with yellow-colored difficult flooring surfaces on the roof and red areas circling the variety of components.
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