
Great Wall of China - Beijing Simatai

After over three years'closure since This summer 17, 2010, Simatai Outstanding Surfaces is now reopen to the group on a analyze operate from Jan 01 to Sept 30, 2014 and will be officially begin starting from Oct 01, 2014. China travel service Now people can improve the 10 techniques in the southern place of Simatai Outstanding Surfaces and the european 12 techniques are still prohibited to improve. Unfortunately, it is said that the increase from Jinshanling to Simatai is still closed. When the mixture improve will be begin is still unknown.
The Simatai place of the Outstanding Surfaces (司马台长城) is in the northeast of Miyun Country, about 140 kilometers from city middle Chinese suppliers. It was first developed in the starting Hongwu decades (1368-1398) of the Ming Kingdom. The Simatai Outstanding Beijing tour Surfaces is cutted into two places by the Simatai Container, over which there is a series weblink working through southern to european.

The Simatai Outstanding Surfaces is 5 km long with all together 28 watchtowers ( Eastern 16 and Western 12 ). Created by the Ming Kingdom typical Qi Ji Guang, it is one of the few expands of the Surfaces that still secure the unique look of that period. It not only feaures unique aspects from other Outstanding Surfaces sections, but also shows some features found nowhere. To the european there 12 watchtowers snaking on the sloping hills. To the southern there are 16 watchtowers on top of hills up to 1,000 meters excellent.The views are awesome. The walls at Simatai has acquired very little modifying. So Simatai Outstanding Surfaces still preserves all its unique look. It is well beyond the accomplish of the truly awesome crowd of people of visitors twho come to the more well-known and easily obtainable places of the Surfaces.
The Simatai Outstanding Surfaces, with densely-positioned watchtowers working along the mountain part, looks awesome and China Photography Tours grandeur! On the mountainsns with mild hills in the european, 12 watchtowers are well managed.
Simatai Outstanding Surfaces MapThe watchtowers on the Simatai Outstanding Surfaces show an fashionable design and different elements, among which the most well-known are the Wangjinglou (Watching Chinese suppliers Tower), where you can have a birds' eye viewpoint of the illumination of Chinese suppliers at night in the variety.Simatai Outstanding Surfaces is a awesome web page for traveling, going up the and finding.luxury China tours It has been specific by the UNESCO as one of the World Public Heritages.

